This bank thrives off poor people living paycheck to paycheck. If you have an autopay setup for the same day you get paid then they will process the autopay before the deposit and charge you 32.00 for each transaction. Then tell you the withdrawals get processed 1st or they come through a few seconds before. This time they couldn't charge me the overdraft fee of 32.00 so they found a new 1 EOD HLD Fee for 32.00 which didn't show up until after they closed so now my autopay I have setup for tomorrow is going to overdraft regardless if I add money in the morning or now so they'll get another 32.00 plus the place I have setup for the autopay will charge another 30.00 and possibly shut off my services. If it wasn't for my son's minor tuna account he has to have I would close my account and only use Chime. Chime has no overdraft fees, no ATM fees, no surprise fees, no surprise pending items, deposits are instant no waiting, and their account balances are actually accurate so you can monitor your account better and not overdraft.
Douglas Hadel
1 year ago
I've been banking with Cap Fed a very long time. I have
financed my homes through their home loan financing department,
made use of their safety deposit boxes, wired funds through them, and most importantly, I've helped instill an attitude of 'financial responsibility' to and through my son's first automobile purchase in their consumer loan division.
The employees are courteous and friendly.
They take time to do things right, the first time, and that may sometimes takes a bit longer in the lobby or drive up, but it is so well worth it, to me,
especially in this ever faster-moving world we find ourselves living in.
This home grown institution ALWAYS exceeds my expectations when
it comes to customer service.
Jacob Schell
1 year ago
So I was excited about getting another home after living in my home for 15 years and I already have loan through cap fed and have it almost paid off.I have enough money saved up to pay my house off, My credit score is good, I make 5 times more than when I got my original loan, I pay almost double on my payments so I can get ahead of the loan and I was in a bad accident a few years back but STILL made my payments. I made a 1 late payment a couple years back and now I'm being denied for a home loan and was told to just reapply next spring!?!?@ wow!!! They sure the hell dont care about their customers!!
Brandy Baldwin
1 year ago
Douglas Hadel
1 year ago
Jacob Schell
1 year ago