Got a cash advance loan through this company in August 2015. They assured me that the payback rate would improve once with them 6 months. This did not happen. Since more customers were paying by credit card as the months went on, they were taking more money each month. This increase in what they were taking started to affect our cash flow. I contacted them to find out if they could adjust our payback rate since we were doing so well with paying. Although they admitted that we were performing better than expected, they refused to do anything to help us out. They actually suggested that something must have changed in the way we were managing our business! Do Not Do Business with this company as you will regret it. You have be warned!!!
Small Business Owner in Georgia
? Mark
1 year ago
I'll readily admit that I have had no need to call and talk to anyone in their offices regarding my loans. Mine are taken out of my bank account each day and I don't have to interact with anyone. Basically, I got my funding and they have been good about taking out the exact amount they were supposed to each business day. I have taken out three loans with them over the last four years and haven't had any trouble with them at all. I view them as strictly a lending source and that's it. I can't speak to anyone else's experience who left reviews but I can say that I am in no way being reimbursed or paid for my review. They loaned me what I requested and qualified for and I've been paying them back. Pretty simple stuff.
Rauf Ziya
1 year ago
Stay away !!!
Stay away!!!
My restaurant DBA name ; Alaturco Mediterranean GRILL
My business, company(restaurant)legally name ; IKNA CORPORATION
do i owe you? Tell me?
In credit systems, I seem to owe you! What's going on? This affects my work. i will sue you
Understand me???
Joy Moorehead
1 year ago
Absolutely horrible to work with. Tried taking me to court after I purchased a business saying I owed them money. Had to cancel my bank account because they were taking money for 3 months and have yet to receive paperwork and when you call the previous person you speak with is never available. Don't waste your time of chance tour business.
1 year ago
If I can rate them a negative beyond compare I would. I spoke to their supervisor, call them back extension number 117 and the rep transfers me to him. They base your identity over a voice. Professional right? If they call you while you're in a private place, lowering or softening your voice telling you'll call back, they will judge you on that. I call them back when I'm in my business, they think you're a different person and can't trust you. You provide evidence that you are who you are you, they refuse to be corrected. Guy states he's been doing business for years, I guess assuming is how he did his business because the rating here in Google prior to mines matches exactly what they did to me.
They put the flaws of representatives on you to prevent trust, threaten you that your conversation is recorded and then accuse you for yelling at them and the reason they don't want to deal with you. I guess he forgot we were on a RECORDED line, so his accusations are false since he is also afraid to release the recorded conversation to my representative.
Stay away from them. They gather all your information giving you approval then after all the information they assume and accuse you and your business. Again stay away from them and the number matches what called me ext. 117. I should've trusted the review prior to mine and not have given them a benefit of a doubt.
Stay away, don't provide your information.
Elisa Freeman
1 year ago
Got a cash advance loan through this company in August 2015. They assured me that the payback rate would improve once with them 6 months. This did not happen. Since more customers were paying by credit card as the months went on, they were taking more money each month. This increase in what they were taking started to affect our cash flow. I contacted them to find out if they could adjust our payback rate since we were doing so well with paying. Although they admitted that we were performing better than expected, they refused to do anything to help us out. They actually suggested that something must have changed in the way we were managing our business! Do Not Do Business with this company as you will regret it. You have be warned!!!
Small Business Owner in Georgia
? Mark
1 year ago
I'll readily admit that I have had no need to call and talk to anyone in their offices regarding my loans. Mine are taken out of my bank account each day and I don't have to interact with anyone. Basically, I got my funding and they have been good about taking out the exact amount they were supposed to each business day. I have taken out three loans with them over the last four years and haven't had any trouble with them at all. I view them as strictly a lending source and that's it. I can't speak to anyone else's experience who left reviews but I can say that I am in no way being reimbursed or paid for my review. They loaned me what I requested and qualified for and I've been paying them back. Pretty simple stuff.
Joy Moorehead
1 year ago
Absolutely horrible to work with. Tried taking me to court after I purchased a business saying I owed them money. Had to cancel my bank account because they were taking money for 3 months and have yet to receive paperwork and when you call the previous person you speak with is never available. Don't waste your time of chance tour business.
Elisa Freeman
1 year ago
? Mark
1 year ago
Rauf Ziya
1 year ago
Joy Moorehead
1 year ago
1 year ago
Elisa Freeman
1 year ago
? Mark
1 year ago
Joy Moorehead
1 year ago